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Welcome . . . Two Audiences, One Blog

Welcome to the Rosenblatt College Counseling blog. My name is Ken Rosenblatt, your host, and you can find my biography here:  About Me.

This blog focuses on issues confronting parents and college counselors in navigating college selection and admissions.

Some of my posts are aimed primarily at parents. College admissions is an amazingly complex “game”, and parents and consultants alike have an interest in sorting out the players and keeping track of rule changes.

Some parents are interested in news and information about college for students with special needs / disabilities. As you can see from Students With Special Needs / Disabilities, the college selection and admission process is more difficult for these students. I work with these students, and will share and solicit approaches and strategies which increase their access to, and success at, colleges.

Other posts will be aimed squarely at my colleagues, college counselors. I decided to become a college counselor because my experience with the admissions and selection process as a parent convinced me that the Internet has changed the essence of how we accomplish our mission:  to find the college which best fits a student.  I believe that the Internet is a huge, and – when used correctly – largely reliable resource for college selection and admission. You can, and should, mine it regularly to uncover data and insights available nowhere else.

I will use this blog in part to demonstrate how a data-driven approach can augment results obtained by the “tried and true” methods of relying on guidebooks, campus visits, and the like. My post: The Data Is Out There – But You Need To Look For It , is an example.

Although a blog is by definition a work in progress, my current plan is to offer the reader three different types of “posts”.

First, I will monitor the Internet and report (to be accurate, mostly re-report) news about college selection and admission, usually with commentary.

Second, I will provide that staple of many college consultants, the trip report. This is where your intrepid correspondent visits a college, and in few hundred words conveys something about the atmosphere of the college and its student body. In addition to the standard topics, I will often focus on services provided for special needs students.

Third, I will publish longer form pieces.

Finally, a blog without comments is a lonely place.  I welcome different perspectives, and encourage readers, particularly college counselors, to have their say in the Comments section for each post.  I particularly welcome disagreement because that is how we all become better at what we do.

For now, this blog is moderated, meaning that I have to approve each comment before it is posted.  This is about spam prevention, not censorship, but you may notice a brief delay in the posting of your comments.

Thank you for visiting.  Please return often.

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